Is Your Child On The Best Path For Reading Instruction By The Time They Enroll At ACES?

Will your child one day be joining our ACES family? By simply reading to your child, talking, playing games, bringing your child places, and immersing your child in language, you can accelerate your child’s reading development by the time they reach us in pre-school or kindergarten. If you have a toddler or a child who is nearing school age and you’ve wondered how they will do in school, the following is a link to a pre-school reading readiness screener. While this screener in no way is an exact predictor of your child’s skills, nor will it diagnose your child with potential reading problems, it can give you a sense of where your child’s reading development is, what kinds of activities you can begin doing to enhance their skills, or even identifying starting points for conversations with your child’s pediatrician if you have concerns about their development.

This website is also full of wonderful resources for activities by age groups that will promote reading and language skills, recommended books by age group to read to your child, skills to look for by age group, as well as helpful articles and videos related to early reading development. You are the single most important advocate for your child; no one knows them better than you. I hope this website, if anything, gives you more ideas about ways to spend valuable time with your child and to prepare them to be self-confident learners by the time they step foot here at ACES. We believe in kids, we believe in their futures, and we work hard to make sure they are successful readers and writers who believe they can and WILL do great things!

Link to the screener:

Link to at home activities by age group:

Link to recommended books:

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