Why Does Summer Reading Matter?

YIKES!!! So, what can you do to help??

READ…READ…READ! Read to your child, read with your child, either way make books part of your everyday!


Here are some ways ACES can help your child avoid the dreaded Summer Slide:

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Take part in the summer reading bingo challenge:


Feel free to have your child post on our Facebook page regarding things they are doing for summer reading, and be on the lookout for teachers sharing their favorite stories with you to cross off bingo squares. Of course, you can cross them off on your own as well!


Take part in the Athol Public Library’s summer reading program:


Here is a link to the summer calendar at the Athol Public Library for the month of July:


Here is the summer calendar for August:


The library is a wonderful and FREE place for kids to have access to lots of amazing books, activities and programs, all of which will help your child keep their skills sharp, as well as spreading the message that reading is fun and important all while creating special summer memories with you at the same time!

Happy Reading,

Happy Summer!